Insurance giant Aviva and first aid and disaster response charity The Red Cross have worked together since February 2016, when the two signed up for a three-year partnership that David Schofield, head of corporate responsibility at Aviva, describes as ‘vital’.
‘We are dealing with customers when the worst happens – in their own crises, and that is exactly what Red Cross does, so we are fully aligned,’ he says. The partnership has led to the development of a training course on Supporting People In Crisis, which is offered to all Aviva’s claims assessors.
The course teaches these employees how to care for customers they are helping with their claims. Many of these customers have endured stressful situations such as fires, floods and burglaries, Schofield says, and the Red Cross expertise in dealing with the psychological impact of this has been vital.
The Supporting People in Crisis course has won many accolades, illustrating the benefits of involving charity expertise in corporate initiatives. The two also worked together to launch the British Red Cross’ Emergency App, which sends live emergency alerts.
The app has been downloaded over 58,000 times and sent more than three million alerts. Aviva staff have become involved in Red Cross’s Missing Maps initiatives, helping chart over 200,000 buildings and 28,000 kilometres of roads in Malawi, Nepal and Haiti, making it easier for the Red Cross to send aid in an emergency.
‘It’s a genuinely collaborative partnership and definitely not on the old school model,’ Schofield says. ‘Everybody benefits, and everybody learns.’