The plastic issue
Blue Planet II caused a backlash against single-use plastic but recycling is not currently the simple solution that some imagine
How challenging are challengers?
As new entrants threaten to disrupt the financial services industry, should the old guard be worried or learn from the intruders?
Putting the blocks in place
Blockchain offers much potential but communicators need to explain its function more clearly
What is blockchain
How does blockchain work?
The value of print
Many organisations still see real value in producing a printed publication for their employees
How Siemens got its mojo back
Siemens embarked on a major project to embed an employer brand that imbued all 310,000 employees with an understanding of the business and a vision for the future
The Scope of the partnership
A groundbreaking campaign has launched to get one million disabled people into work by 2020
Do brands and humour mix on social media?
Poundland’s controversial festive campaign has focused attention again on whether brands should use humour on social media
The AA changes direction
Consumer insight is now shaping AA’s business strategy and advertising campaigns